Week 15 – Classmate Interview – Nicole llagan

This week I met Nicole! I actually met nicole a few weeks back during one of her filming sets for the schools video episodes. I met Nicole and Quynh at the same time so that was really cool.  Nicole is also from my astronomy class which is also really cool!  Nicole is from orange county and an alumni of Troy High School. Nicole is also an aspiring film major with a minor in marketing. I really want to learn more about Nicole, too bad this semester is almost over 😦

Week 15 – Artist Interview – Troy Rounseville


This week’s exhibit was quite cool, I got to walk inside a mirror room. The exhibit brought to us by Troy displayed a ton of instruments that were hooked up to speakers. At the center of the room was another room furnished completely with mirrors. This room felt like something out of a circus.  The first thought that came to me was “dang I wished there was lasers in here, that would sooooo cool!!” That would definitely be a trip hahaha. I like how Troy integrated so many senses into his art, it is really unique seeing as well as hearing the art piece. It makes the experience a lot more intereting!